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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Zyzz pose by Aziz Shavenshian

Yoga poses have been very popular worldwide for many ages. People have followed them to lose weight and make their body muscles, and some of them also use them to shape their bodies according to their physics. Hence, yoga poses have been the talk of the town for a very long time. Many bodybuilders create various types of poses and the rest of the world catches them as soon as possible. One such pose is the zyzz pose which was created by Aziz Shavershian. Pose created by the specific bodybuilder became his signature style or pose. And people start trending that one in the name of the person.

Some of them are named as same as the name of the person while others are named to some of the specifications that the person creates or names.

Various Poses by the Builders:

These poses created by bodybuilders or even others are used in diverse competitions worldwide. Most of them are classy styles. Social media trending has played a vital part in this regard.

Origin of Zyzz Pose by Aziz Shavershian:

Zyzz pose was originally made by Aziz Shavershian. Aziz Shavershian is an athlete and a bodybuilder. He was born in Russia. His father was Armenian and his mother was a Russian native. He was born there in Russia.

But later on, he moved to Australia with all his family. He settled there and after some time, the whole family got Australian nationality. He adopted Australian culture quickly. Furthermore, he was considered Australian by heart and culture.

He had a brother who was also a bodybuilder. The name of his brother was Chesthrah. His brother also has a signature pose by his name. That made both the brothers unique in their own way.

How to make this Zyzz pose:

Being the most highlighted topic in the town, many people are curious to know how can they make this pose. This pose seems very easy to make and it’s very classy to look at. But this pose is a bit tough in a way that it can irritate you a bit while balancing and coming into the exact position. So here we look at how to create this pose on your own:

  • Stand straight on the floor first and then apart both legs a bit.
  • Slightly bend one leg and the other leg straight.
  • Now try to push the hips backward. This is where a good balance is required.
  • After that straight up the upper body and then the hand games start.
  • Bend one arm towards the face and close the hands of that arm making a fist.
  • Now, leave the other hand in the air but the position must be upward.
  • He used to make a victory sign on the hand in the air and look toward that hand.

People use this pose to tribute to him:

As soon as his pose was famous back in 2010. People started recreating it. His fans made it exact and posted it on social media using the hashtag of this pose.

Aziz Shavershigan died in August 2011. He was on holiday in Thailand with his family. Where he was followed by a cardiac arrest. His family says that he was feeling the symptoms of short breath and pain for so many days and then suddenly he died. His fans never forgot him.

He was born in 1989 and he was just 22 years old when he died. It was a shock for his family and fans as he was a well-known bodybuilder with good muscles. He inspires many people. He was 6 ft and 2 inches tall and almost was 175 pounds.

Zyzz pose era:

In 2010 and after that, this pose was all over the internet. People were making memes out of it. And also uses his pose to post on the wall. And making t-shirts out of this pose with beautiful graphics. Even now after TikTok, this pose was used by many to create videos. He was very slim yet a beautiful bodybuilder.

He was lean and had body muscles. Furthermore, he also uploaded this pose on YouTube in 2007. He was later known as zyzz too because of this zyzz pose. Zyzz pose is frequently used in different competitions.

Also, zyzz pose improves the body posture as people need to struggle to maintain balance. It stretches the back as well as strengthens the muscles. This pose reminds people of developing a good balance of their bodies and makes a perfect image of them being strong.

If you have not tried this pose, give it a try. You will feel good and fancy after trying it. Try it and upload your part on any social media platform and make his fans look at your style too. Zyzz pose will always be remembered as a fancy and confident pose.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a founder of LifeStyle Management. That prefers to share informative blogs about a unique Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Health, etc...
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