
What is the Best Citizen Yoga?

Yoga and meditation help in relaxing the mind, reducing chronic stress patterns, and sharpening concentration. It also helps in maintaining a balanced metabolism and increases strength and tone. It tells us the importance of yoga in our lives. The concept of “citizen yoga” is derived from developing a community where individuals engage using the teachings of yoga as a guide. It emphasizes creating a world full of respect and empathy. For this sake, the “citizen yoga studio” was made in Detroit, Michigan, USA, by Kacee.

Background of a citizen yoga studio:

The citizen yoga studio was built by Kacee, followed by the influence of her sister Miya’s sudden suicidal death. Kacee was dealing with severe depression after her sister’s death which made her leave the USA and move to India.

She learned psychology in India for three and a half years, where her main focus was on yoga. After that, she returned to Detroit and launched her first citizen yoga studio in 2013.

What was the main objective?

Her main objective was to develop an environment where people can look forward to their physical and mental health. As mental and physical health highly correlate. Mental sickness can leave your body inattentive and unfocused.

She concentrated on personal growth and transformation by creating techniques that help people to evolve into a finer version of themselves. They can make a better relationship with their body. A community could develop where people could help each other in achieving their mental and physical goals of being strong.


According to her, yoga develops a principal state of mind which is more important than just a physical posture. It promotes a sense of interconnectedness with the community around us. People can develop a deeper connection between mind and body. Focusing on the breath and relating that to the body creates a calm, that surrounds it as peace and harmony.

Social change:

Learning as a community can help everyone relate to each other. It does not require a complete expert level of knowledge about yoga. But with simple yoga exercises and postures, anyone can reach a level of serenity.

Citizen yoga thinks of bringing transformation not only to the individual level but also on a social level. It encompasses both self-development and community engagement.

Yoga gives freedom to the body:

Along with thousands of benefits, yoga gives a sense of freedom to the body. Meditation and yoga not only help in dealing with depression but also make the body well-organized and good in digestion, blood circulation cardiovascular, etc. It improves the sleep cycle and sharpens concentration.

Meditation reduces negative emotions and increases patience and tolerance, which is a core point of citizen yoga. It also enhances imagination and creativity and helps you to focus on the present.

Preventing suicide:

After her sister’s suicidal death, she was passionate about creating a space where people can avoid negative thoughts by taking bits of help from the mass that surrounds them.

Developing a positive environment and placing such collective mindsets out there. And they could lead their journey toward self-acceptance and personal transformation.

Self-discovery through citizen yoga:

Self-discovery at some points in life is extremely important. It is never too late to find an environment that can unlock your true self. It gives exposure to the self-journey and tells them where they lack.

Physical and mental health can set life on track and provide a steadfast spirit that leads to a successive futuristic approach. The citizen yoga studio is a zone where people from different backgrounds and skill levels come together, communicate, explore, and learn from each other as a community.

Conclusion Citizen Yoga:

In a nutshell, citizen yoga is a great platform to engage yourself with a healthy lifestyle and healthy people. A place where you can embrace your self-acceptance journey and help others to reach. Stress and depression are the root causes of many breathtaking disorders, which can be resolved by developing such an environment.

Making a good connection between your physical and mental health. Where everyone supports the well-being of each other. It aims to create a more equitable and compassionate world. It extends the benefits of yoga beyond the yoga mat.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a founder of LifeStyle Management. That prefers to share informative blogs about a unique Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Health, etc...
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