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Why Are Energy Companies Collapsing?

The energy industry is very volatile. Many energy companies are coming on board. The cost of doing business is high. The market is becoming flooded. Still more, energy prices have risen beyond an expected level. That’s why most energy suppliers are closing businesses. Also, factors such as government obligations have led to the collapse of many companies. So, if you have been wondering why your energy supplier cease trading, keep reading. The following are key factors that have heavily contributed to energy business failures.

New Energy Companies Suppliers

Innovative energy products have significantly impacted the way business is done. It has made it easier for new suppliers to enter the market. While this move has increased competition, these smaller firms are usually less experienced and possess inadequate resources. They typically struggle with cash flow issues and find it difficult to meet the rising policy costs.

Tighter Wholesale Margins

Most energy suppliers experience problems with rising energy costs. Increased wholesale prices can dramatically affect a company’s profit margins. This has created a big challenge for small energy companies that are striving to grow their market share.

With the tight energy margins, a slight change to wholesale energy prices can prompt small companies to sell gas and electricity below cost, creating an unsustainable business model.

Government Obligations (Energy Companies)

Energy providers are also required to cater to certain government costs. For instance, they’re responsible for designing programs that conserve energy and encourage customers to tap into renewable energy sources.

These government-related costs should be incorporated into a company’s business model and pricing structure. Otherwise, the business might be considered unsustainable. Most suppliers have tight margins and are constantly striving to grow their customer base by providing lower prices. And this has made it extremely difficult for them to keep up with such unrealistic costs.

Unreliable Customer Support

Most energy suppliers are struggling to provide their clients with satisfactory customer service. This doesn’t just create a greater demand for inbound customer calls. Plus, it has forced Ofgem to restrict its ability to serve new customers or even suspend its license.

Poor Management

 Regardless of the ever-changing market conditions, the energy supply is still manageable. That’s why the “Big Six” have always continued thriving. Being in a complex industry, suppliers should get creative about how they handle their business operations.

At times, they tend to develop unrealistic pricing structures that don’t support their business goals. This paves the way for seasonal fluctuations in wholesale energy prices. Another mistake is failing to adequately plan for their finances. This in turn makes it difficult for them to fulfill government obligations.

The energy market is generally complex. It’s filled with government regulations. As such, businesses should be highly experienced in navigating the highly dynamic marketplace. Without the right measures and strategies, it can be very difficult for you to succeed.

The “Big Six” boast strong commercial backgrounds that help them deliver well-established business processes.

Factors Affecting Gas Prices

Energy prices have kept fluctuating over the past years. And this has consequently affected the energy bills that customers pay. Because of energy deregulation, there has also been a wider supply chain. And this has significantly affected energy prices.

Winter and summer seasons have exerted a lot of pressure on the energy supply chain. There has also been an increased demand for energy from various countries. You also ought to know that the availability of wind energy has drastically reduced. Several climatic changes have heavily contributed to this shortage.

The rising demand for LPG (liquified natural gas) has also had an impact on the energy industry. Most companies are now striving to transition to greener solutions. The inability to effectively tap into alternative energy sources has made it difficult for most companies to thrive.

Last year, Ofgem lifted the price cap on domestic energy bills by twelve percent. And since then, the prices have kept rising. Several companies collapsed since they weren’t able to pass the high wholesale price to their customers.

Impact On Business Operations

An energy price cap can only be beneficial to consumers. But for businesses, it makes things extremely difficult. All it does is expose them to rising prices. Issues such as chain disruption, late payments from customers, as well as increased inflation have strongly impacted the energy industry.

Of course, business owners can look for better energy deals, but suppliers are experiencing the same challenges. Thus, it can be quite difficult to achieve substantial savings. If your existing provider stops trading, simply wait until Ofgem assigns you a new supplier. Don’t be in a hurry to switch suppliers. Once the new provider gets in touch, you can start making plans to negotiate a new contract.

Considering the current market issues, this could be the best time to make a switch. Not only will you land a better deal, but you’ll also avoid paying the early exit fees.

Why Do Energy Companies Collapse?

The rapid increase in energy costs has impacted everyone’s life. It has also affected most businesses across the world. After many years of stable energy tariffs, the alarming rise has shocked energy consumers and destabilized most businesses. Many suppliers are currently struggling because of supply chain issues.

For distribution companies, the story has also been the same. Gas has become even scarcer nowadays. And the price per kilowatt-hour has risen to unsustainable levels.

Key Takeaway

To limit your company’s exposure to price fluctuations, consider fixing your energy costs. Plus, you should consider making your expenditure more predictable. Perform other necessary adjustments to fund the rising outgoings. If you can switch to a cheaper supplier, then that would be great.


Most countries are currently experiencing tough economic times. This has led to a sharp increase in energy prices. Energy prices are on the rise. The market is flooded. Government policies are also affecting energy businesses. In a nutshell, there are several reasons why energy suppliers are closing their businesses. The above article provides a deeper insight into fuel energy prices and how it has affected businesses. 


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