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How to Manage the Addiction from Prescription Opioids

Opioids are a common prescription across the USA for pain relief after surgery, catastrophic injuries, or chronic conditions. However, there is an inherent risk as a result of prescribing this kind of pain relief: addiction. Addiction is a serious affliction in its own right and causes a ripple of consequences that are felt in every corner of daily life. The guide below aims to discuss the ways opioid addiction can be managed.

Defining Addiction

An addiction is something that you think about all the time, experience withdrawal symptoms from if forced to go without, and feel an obsessive-compulsive need to have regularly. Addictions are typically detrimental to daily life and, when left untreated, impact the individual’s ability to work, socialize, and manage basic tasks like budgeting, self-care, and mental well-being.

There are hundreds of addictions in the world, some of which are more dangerous than others. Certain groups of people are prone to addictive behaviors like those who live in poverty, or those with a trauma background.

Why Opioids Are Addictive Substances

Something that is used in common enough circulation and prescribed by health professionals may be surprising in terms of how addictive it is. However, opioids, whether legal or not, are some of the strongest causes of addiction in the world and rank highly when it comes to overdose statistics too. So, what is it that makes them this impactful? It is primarily because of how they stimulate the brain’s reward synapses. Especially endorphins, which is a dangerous path to tread down.

The Role of Endorphins

Endorphins are the feel-good parts of your brain that are stimulated by many things. They dull pain and numb discomfort which are both highly addictive feelings. Because when they wear off, the return of suffering is not a welcome transition.

Managing Addictions

Fortunately, for individuals dealing with an opioid addiction, there are ways to heal and move forward. Here are the top strategies.

Therapeutic Interventions

One of the most impactful strategies for handling any kind of addiction is regular therapeutic intervention. Often, when it is an opioid-related problem, spending time in a specific treatment center is the most impactful approach. These establishments focus on rehabilitation and empowerment for a range of addiction related symptoms including opioid specific pathways for common problems like a Percocet addiction.

Watch Out for the Signs

Understanding what an addiction feels like is the best way to combat a problem head-on. If you know what to watch out for. It will be easier to recognize when something negative is happening to your mind. The most common signs of opioid abuse are as follows.


While it may seem cliché, lying is a big indicator that you have a problem. If you are bending the truth and exaggerating the level of pain being experienced to prolong the prescription, then it is time to get some help.

Multiple Location Requests

You may find yourself attending various medical facilities across the area to get multiple prescriptions at the same time from different doctors. This is dangerous because there is a real risk with any kind of opioid that you take more than you can handle and experience an overdose.

Self-Isolation Opioids

Your mind is likely to be focusing solely on prescription medication and less on daily responsibilities like work, friends, or family. Self-care may be neglected entirely and you are becoming more and more socially withdrawn in favor of sitting down with your opioids.

Concentration Difficulties

It will often become difficult to think clearly and process information. This leads to a general struggle to concentrate and understand conversation.

Physical Appearance Changes

Opioid use over a long period leads to weight loss and other physical changes like sunken eyes, restricted pupils, sallow skin, and acne breakouts.

Taking Ownership Over Your Journey

While this may be the hardest bit of all, taking ownership of what you are going through is the only way to connect with reality. An addiction is a major, life-changing condition that impacts every aspect of your being. To connect with this fact is scary, but necessary, and will enhance your healing journey phenomenally.

Being Honest

Throughout intense addiction, people tend to neglect friends and family. When you begin to see the light and understand it is time to move forward. It is time to be honest with people about what you are going through. You will be surprised by their compassion and support. This will be a valuable thing indeed when it comes to how you grow and move on.

Prescription opioids are commonly given to patients all over the country. However, there are associated dangers that require attention and cause a range of complicated problems.


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