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The 5 Most Common Surgical and Nonsurgical Cosmetic Procedures

Both cosmetic surgery and cosmetic procedures are fairly common in today’s world, with many people receiving one or the other, or both. Cosmetic surgery is a more invasive procedure that involves making incisions to improve appearance, while cosmetic procedures don’t necessarily cut into the skin— but both aim to improve one’s outward appearance. Here are five of the most common surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures.

#1: Botox

Botox is the most common brand of toxin (botulinum) that doctors use to inject into their patients to treat various conditions. The most common use for Botox is to treat wrinkles, but it can also be used to treat chronic migraines, neck and shoulder spasms, and severe underarm sweating. It blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, preventing them from contracting. In the case of wrinkles, they soften and this reduces their appearance.

The procedure takes only a few minutes, but the results can take up to two weeks before they’re fully visible. Botox is most often applied to frown lines, the forehead, and around the eyes.

#2: Dermabrasion and Dermal Fillers

Dermabrasion (and microdermabrasion) works to remove imperfections on the surface of the skin— specifically the face. Microdermabrasion uses light exfoliation to correct age spots and brown spots, while dermabrasion goes deeper into the skin’s surface to remove acne scars, wrinkles, scars, and even stretch marks.

When it comes to eliminating wrinkles, dermabrasion may not be necessary for everyone because dermal fillers can achieve the same desired look without being so invasive. Dermal fillers can be made of a variety of substances, and they help improve the appearance of wrinkles, and scars, and they’re used to contour. They can also be injected into the lips to give them a plump and fuller look. Like Botox, dermal fillers aren’t permanent.

#3: Face and Neck Lifts (Cosmetic Procedures)

The technical term for a facelift is rhytidectomy (platysmaplasty for neck lift). It’s a surgical procedure that gives a more youthful appearance, like many of these other procedures. The skin on the face is lifted and pulled back to make the skin tighter and smoother. This is considered minor surgery, taking anywhere from two to five hours to complete, and patients are given local anesthesia or sedatives.

Oftentimes, a face lifting procedure will include a neck lift as well, since the goal is to tighten sagging skin. Both facelifts and neck lifts are a more permanent solution compared to Botox and dermal fillers. But neither stopped nor truly reverses the aging process.

#4: Liposuction

Liposuction is another surgical cosmetic procedure. It involves removing excess fat from common “problem areas”. Such as the lower belly, buttocks, thighs, back, and even arms. Many people choose to have this procedure done because these areas tend to carry extra weight, even with exercise and dieting.

The most common technique is called tumescent liposuction, where a sterile saline solution is injected into the problem area. This solution makes it easier to remove the fat and is the safest and most painless type. It can take up to two months to fully recover. But most people can return to their normal lives within a few days or weeks.

#5: Veneers (Cosmetic Procedures)

The face and body aren’t the only places that people tend to correct— teeth are also a major cosmetic issue for some. Braces and invisible aligners are great for straightening teeth, but dental veneers can correct several other problems. Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or other tooth-colored material that are permanently attached to one’s teeth. The original teeth are shaved down so that the veneers can fit properly.

Although veneers aren’t considered to be a surgical procedure, getting them is still a pretty invasive procedure. Fortunately, temporary veneers are another (and more affordable) option for those wanting to correct their smile. They look and work just as well as traditional veneers. But your natural teeth don’t have to be shaved down to wear them.

Keep in mind that the majority of health insurance plans do not cover cosmetic procedures unless they’re being done for a medical reason. It’s also important to note that there are risks that come with cosmetic surgery. Just like there are risks with any other type of surgery.

This is why it’s extremely important to do your research and make sure that you really want to have a cosmetic surgical procedure done. Surgery costs a lot of money, and the majority of them cannot be reversed once completed.


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