
Learn How to Cook With Stainless Steel Without Your Food Sticking

Stainless steel pots and pans: So you want to be a better cook? You try new recipes, get all the ingredients, and follow the steps precisely. Yet it seems that no matter what you do, your food always ends up sticking to your pans.

This is why you need to instead switch to cooking with stainless steel pans. Not only will you feel more like a Masterchef in the kitchen, but it will get a whole lot easier to not create a mess to clean up after you are done whipping up your next culinary masterpiece.

In fact, did you know that stainless steel pots and pans are the most popular choice for anyone working in a professional kitchen? This is because they are not only versatile but equally durable too. So your investment will last you a really long time and give you wonderful results every single time.

Getting a stainless steel cookware set is one of the most important purchases you could make for your kitchen. This is why if you are going to learn to cook or try and enhance your skills, this is something you should invest in upfront.

For everything that you need to know when it comes to cooking with stainless steel, we have rounded up the top tips and tricks to keep in mind.


1. First, Get a Matching Set

While you could create your own unique collection of stainless steel pots and pans, it can provide a challenging storage problem for you. This is something to especially keep in mind when it comes to those that have a smaller kitchen or limited storage space. When you purchase the pots and pans individually, they won’t necessarily stack on top of one another with ease.

However, when you get a matching set of stainless steel pots and pans, you can pretty much guarantee that storage of them will be really simple. Plus, they aesthetically make your kitchen look professional and de-cluttered.


2. Heat First, Oil Second (Stainless Steel Pots and Pans)

If you want to use your stainless steel pots and pans and ensure that the food does not stick, then heat first and then add oil after. This rule applies whether you are searing your food, sauteeing your food, or reheating your food.

You will first want to put your pot or pan on the stovetop and switch it up to medium-level heat. You can then test out the level of heat by adding a drop of water to the pan first. If the water droplet bounces off the pan, then it is ready to go.

Next, you will add the oil to your pot or pan. When you wait these extra minutes, you are protecting your pan from getting burned or the oil sticking. In fact, sometimes your oil can actually start to get smokey if you add it on at the same time the pot or pan is heating up.

The main goal of adding oil is to create an extra level of protection so that food will not stick to the pot or pan. This is why you want to really follow this rule every single time. It will end up making an absolute world of difference.


3. Don’t Add Frozen Food

If you want to also be sure that your food will not stick to the pot or pan, make sure that you do not try to add any frozen food. The extreme contrast in temperatures will likely cause the food to become extremely sticky.

Instead, let any frozen ingredients thaw out first and get to room temperature. From there, you should be good to go when it comes to adding food to your pot or pan. This tip is especially important when it comes to adding fish or meat.


4. Be Patient When Cooking

Sometimes we get impatient in the kitchen. But when you are trying to sear food on your pan, it is important to really practice patience. This means not trying to crank up the temperature so it cooks faster. You should also only need to sear fish or meat once per side.


5. Clean Every Time (Stainless Steel Pots and Pans)

Another important tip to remember when it comes to ensuring food won’t stick to your pot or pan is to clean it every single time. But you want to make sure that you clean it with care. This means first letting your pan cool off before washing it under water. It also means using a non-abrasive sponge and gently cleaning it with soapy water.

The reason you want to be extra careful when cleaning is that if you do it too aggressively you risk rubbing off the protective coatings.


Learning to cook is a fun adventure. It is made even more fun when you have quality stainless steel pots and pans to help you every single step of the way.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a founder of LifeStyle Management. That prefers to share informative blogs about a unique Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Health, etc...
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