
How to Adapt and Lead a Normal Life as a New Wheelchair User

Recently becoming a wheelchair user can be a distressing time in a person’s life, especially if they had no expectations that they would someday need the use of a wheelchair. Of course, for many people using a wheelchair, it is something they appreciate for the added mobility it offers. But if an injury or illness has changed a person’s circumstances, the need for a wheelchair can initially feel like a blow. If you are currently experiencing some difficulties adjusting to your new life as a wheelchair user, this brief guide will provide some insight and assistance.

What is a Normal Life?

First, it is useful to establish what is and is not a normal life. Since there are no two people on the planet who are exactly the same and lead identical lives, the notion of there being a normal life someone can live is a mistake.

Here, a normal life means a fulfilling and meaningful life. It doesn’t matter whether someone needs a wheelchair or not; they can still enjoy life and make an impact on the world around them. Needing a wheelchair does not take away your chances of being content.

Understand Your Physical Capabilities

You should take some time to learn more about how your body wants to move and what is comfortable for you. You may be attending physical therapy, in which case your therapist can help you gain strength and flexibility in different areas of your body. Nobody’s mobility journey is the same as anyone else’s so don’t focus too much on the speed of your progress compared to other people’s.

Instead, get to grips with your own capabilities and the ways you prefer to move. This will help you to find the wheelchair to be more of a valuable tool than a difficult object.

Adapt Your Environment (New Wheelchair)

If you expect to need the use your wheelchair for an extended period of time. You should consider the many benefits of adapting your home environment to suit your new needs. For example, if you want to cook in the kitchen then bringing the countertops lower and creating more space between cupboards so you can easily move around can make all the difference.

Changes to your bathroom can make bathing much simpler as a wheelchair user without compromising on the interior design aesthetic you’re going for. Adding handrails, ramps and other practical mobility aids around the interior and exterior of your home will help you get used to using a wheelchair much more quicker.

Improve Your Transport

Using transport changes when you become a wheelchair user. Driving your own car, catching a bus, and flying in a plane all require different considerations now. For many, this can be one of the biggest obstacles to overcome since being able to travel is so important to so many people.

Even the independence afforded by being able to go to the grocery store can be significant. This is why wheelchair accessible vehicles from can make such a positive difference in a wheelchair user’s life. The added safety and accessibility features that a specially adapted vehicle can offer are a great way to reintroduce freedom and autonomy to your life.

Join a Group for New Wheelchair

There are a whole variety of emotions a person is likely to go through as a new wheelchair user, from sadness to anger, from depression to irritation. This is natural for anyone experiencing a major change to their health, their routine, and their overall lifestyle, but that doesn’t make it any easier. What can help, however, is speaking with other people who have experienced similar life changes.

Learning how they cope and what they do to improve their lives can help you with your own. Mental health is just as important as physical health. So be sure not to neglect it as you focus on growing accustomed to your new wheelchair lifestyle.

Practice Frequent Routines

Reduced mobility of any kind takes some getting used to. As a new wheelchair user. You will most likely find it helpful to identify daily actions or routines you need to complete and practice them step by step.

For example, taking a shower and drying your hair afterward becomes a very different task for a wheelchair user, and not all the steps will be the same as before. The more time you spend improving your routine. The more you will grow to see your wheelchair as a fantastic tool that makes life easier.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a founder of LifeStyle Management. That prefers to share informative blogs about a unique Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Health, etc...
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