
Fight for your Bones: How to Stay Fit Till Elderly

Bones are living tissue that constantly regenerates. Strong, healthy bones are vital for a natural, pain-free life. It’s made from the protein collagen and mineral crystals like calcium and phosphate. Cells called osteoblasts build new bone while the osteoclasts break down the old bone for recycling for making new ones.

Poor nutrition, periodical hormonal changes in women and menopause, lack of weight-bearing exercises, and low-level estrogen are some of the factors that lead to weaker bones and osteoporosis. Here is what you need to know so you can protect your bones till old age.

The reasons for the weaknesses of bones

  1. Hyperglycemia in diabetes

Diabetes is an important causative factor in weakening the bones. Poorly controlled diabetes leads to chronic hyperglycemia and excess sugar circulating in the blood. As a result, there is increased osmotic pressure of glucose which draws more water into the bloodstream. The result is dehydration of bone marrow and lack of oxygen supply, thus weakening bone tissues.

  1. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

Hyperthyroidism leads to bone loss through increased levels of bone-resorbing cells called osteoclasts. In hyperthyroidism; there is a 90% increase in osteoclastic activity with the disappearance of new bone formation. Hyperthyroidism also induces microvascular changes in the skin which do not heal. This further leads to complications like ulcers and infections in the skin.

  1. High deficiency

In women, menopause is a major factor in the loss of bone mass and strength. It is due to the loss of estrogen secretion from the ovaries. This also leads to increased osteoclast activity and diminished formation of new bone which results in rapid loss.

In severe cases, it leads to an increased risk of fractures and disability. High deficiency can be diagnosed in HFM Clinic and a subcutaneous implant of HGH can be a solution.

Ways to Protect and Keep Your Bones Healthy As You Age

Consume more calcium

If your body is healthy, you will live a strong, pain-free, and productive life until you are old. Calcium is a major and vital component of the bones. Calcium provides the cells of bones with the rigidity to resist breaking.

In addition, calcium is needed for bone formation and bone remodeling. Adequate calcium intake is more important in women after menopause as estrogen has a positive effect on bone metabolism.

Boost your vitamin D intake

Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption in the intestines. In some studies, it has been found that low levels of this vitamin can accelerate bone loss and increase fracture risk. Vitamin D deficiency can be corrected by consuming more of the vitamin through foods like wild-caught salmon, fish eggs, and fortified dairy products.

Studies have shown that your body can produce its vitamin D by direct exposure to sunlight which is good for skin health too. Additionally, sunscreens and sunscreen products can block the body’s ability to produce this vitamin so you should not use any of these while in the sun.

Eat more protein

Eating more protein helps your body produce new cells- including those in bones. Foods that are high in protein include fish, chicken, soy, and meat. You can also get protein through foods like egg whites, yogurt, or supplements.

According to the research, young adults should have about 55 to 65 grams of protein each day. However, older adults may need more protein as they age and begin to lose muscle mass. Older adults should have about 10% to 35% of their daily calories from protein to help in bone building.

Get screened regularly

Many people unexpectedly suffer a fracture due to weak bones. In addition, many others develop the disease osteoporosis without knowing it. Osteoporosis screening is important because it offers a way to stop loss before it can occur.

This screening test is called Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry or DXA scan and can be done by your primary care physician.


Magnesium is another mineral that is important. It helps in maintaining healthy bones and reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Magnesium is normally found in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and whole wheat products like pasta. Additionally, a reduced intake of fat and salt can also help in maintaining a healthy body.

Reduce caffeine intake

Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause changes in the body’s normal balance of hormones which can lead to bone loss. It is best to limit your intake of coffee, tea, soft drinks, and cola-based drinks like Coke to only 8 cups a week or less. You should also consider limiting or avoiding alcohol if you are prone to bone loss due to alcohol consumption, especially during pregnancy.

Move your body

Exercising should be a part of any healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and weightlifting can help in maintaining healthy bones. However, it is important to remember that excessive weightlifting can lead to injuries that may negatively impact your ability to maintain a strong body. Accordingly, healthy bones are the result of balance and are maintained by not overdoing it.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is a leading cause of bone loss and osteoporosis. It can also lead to lung disease, heart disease, and even cancer. Research has shown that people who smoke have 50% less bone mass as compared to non-smokers.

Non-smokers have up to 80% more bone mass compared to smokers. Heavy drinkers have a greater risk of osteoporosis than those who drink moderately or not at all.

Eat plenty of foods rich in zinc

Zinc is a mineral that is essential for building strong bones, especially in young people. It is best to include salmon, oysters, egg yolk, and chicken liver among other natural sources of zinc into your diet regularly. Additionally, zinc supplements can also be consumed to achieve a healthy life.

Fighting for your bones to stay fit till elderly age and after is possible! Whether you are a man or a woman, young or old, you can start taking measures from now to grow.

In addition to that, you should also ensure that you consume food rich in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc and avoid smoking, and drinking too much alcohol and caffeine. Therefore it should not be ignored have a good look at your lifestyle and go for it!

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a founder of LifeStyle Management. That prefers to share informative blogs about a unique Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Health, etc...
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