
Interesting Facts and Basics about Lifestyle Blogs

Blogging isn’t a new activity, as it has increased since the late 1990s. As it became a new thing. However, if a description is needed, lifestyle blogs are mainly websites on which more than one person or individual can record their routines, or daily routines or experiences. It’s as simple as that.

In that case, lifestyle blogs can include anything and everything, from life experiences and struggles to daily routines or stories. The major factor is that it would relate to everyone and their lives, in one way or another.

Facts about Lifestyle Blogs

However, just talking doesn’t make any website a lifestyle blog.

It is important to know that a lifestyle blog isn’t a personal blog. A personal blog is a pretty old school, on which individuals might’ve made every single thing about themselves. However, things are changing now. The approach to lifestyle blogs is quite different than the approach to personal blogs.

Personal blogs include mostly talking about hobbies and the enjoyment of the individual whose blog it is. There still might be a place for persona blogs, but lifestyle blogs are the game changers in helping one in growing the blog.

Lifestyle blogs are mainly focused on readers. It makes every experience look like something that every human being has experienced in life, hence readers are focused and considered while these blogs are made.


A blogger can scatter bits and pieces of himself or herself, and use different activity posts to attract more readers. However, the content would matter as that is what would make the reader go further.

All the successful lifestyle blogs are a big inspiration for the readers, as some of them might try to follow the routine they set religiously, and use them to make some positive changes in their lives.

Lifestyles blogs normally take a jump start as niche blogs first. This makes it much easier for them to attract attention. The world is full of a lot of aspiring bloggers as well as those who are trending, hence a niche blog would help attract more readers at first. E.g. you can start as a fitness blogger, attract those who crave fitness content, and then keep adding up.

In this case, make sure you are up to date, and also post several times in one week. This makes it easier for your blog to grow.

Lifestyles blogs

Lifestyles blogs being unique and reflecting a story will help them be more realistic. You can’t pull off a blog on something you don’t have much experience in. At a point, you would lose content or ideas. Hence, it is a good idea to blog about what you have more experience with.

There is a stigma attached to lifestyle bloggers. People think their blogs aren’t as successful as compared to those that show their identity. However, it isn’t impossible.

Many bloggers easily pull off being incognito and successful. If you start earning from the blog, subscriptions, and sponsors might help you to grow your blog without a face or identity reveal.

There is no problem in going anonymous for being a lifestyle blogger, but there might be more hurdles in growing the blog.

How to make money through lifestyle blogs

Many of the successful lifestyle bloggers today are earning from their blogs. This happens due to the writing and posting of content about trending topics. This creates a lot of traffic, views, and eventually readers. Lifestyle bloggers have become most attractive due to advertising partnerships and sponsored content.

Through advertising

You can easily make money through blogging, but it would require advertising. This is quite obvious, as it would create a good income and traffic on the blog. Networks like MediaVine can be used by new bloggers to increase traffic and spread the word about their blogs. Choose advertising sources wisely.

Sponsored posts and content

This is another amazing way for lifestyle blogs to grow and make money. When you start to build a good following, many companies might approach you to sponsor their products or services within your posts. This helps them grow buyers and customers and is a direct advantage for you as well.

Affiliate Products

This comes with a lot of increasing opportunities for bloggers to talk about the products that they love. It is even better if they start to promote affiliated products. This will help with earning money, as every single time someone buys that product, the blogger would earn a fair amount of commission.

Setting up stores

Once the lifestyle blog grows and there is a good number of followers, there are a lot of possibilities. Lifestyle blogs become a source of traffic and attract customers to your store, which you can open which is related to your blog in some way. E.g. a makeup and lifestyle blogger can sell beauty products. They can also sell clothing, décor for houses, customized jewelry, and other stuff.

How to start a lifestyle blog?

Starting a lifestyle blog tends to be a lot easier if you have in mind what exactly you want to blog about. However, first, consider the important points:

  • Are you and your camera/phone inseparable?
  • Are the pictures you click any good?
  • How often do you click aesthetically pleasing pictures and in what ways can you describe them?
  • Can you call yourself an amateur photographer?
  • Can you include yourself in those pictures?
  • Are you okay with your day-to-day life exposed in front of your followers, and beyond your followers? (Your followers aren’t the only ones who would stalk you and check out your content)
  • Is your family okay with you being exposed, as well as themselves being exposed as well?

Information about lifestyle blogs

You can always easily choose some of the information that you might think is shareable and choose to not share certain parts. However, it is important to know that most of you are going to be in front of the world, which would give them freedom of speech.

When you start with the blog, make sure you make the first few posts about yourself, what you admire, and what you enjoy. Creating such an image would create positivity, attracting more readers.

When creating lifestyle blogs, you would first have to pick out three or four blogs and then note down the type of content they had, and what type of topic they cover. This will help you come up with good ideas for your blog. Consider the following points as well.

How to Describe Lifestyle Blogs?

  • Are there some topics you relate to?
  • What is it that you can use to attract readers?
  • How can you create interest through your writing?

Deciding the tone of lifestyle blogs is important. You should know if you want to keep it friendly, humorous, casual, or formal. Write one or two lines to describe your blog in the tone that you decide.

Think about your goals and inspirations, and make sure to include them in your blog as well. Lifestyle blogs become famous through realism and someone who creates positive energy. Make sure to build an image of a unique self and show it on your blog.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a founder of LifeStyle Management. That prefers to share informative blogs about a unique Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Health, etc...
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