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HomeFashionEasy DIY Hair Hacks You Won’t Want To Do Without

Easy DIY Hair Hacks You Won’t Want To Do Without

If you find that you often struggle to style your hair so it looks salon-sleek – or if you struggle with some common hair issues like frizz or dryness – then you’re probably craving a few simple but effective hair hacks.

These helpful DIY tips and techniques will not only help you look and feel amazing – with minimal effort, no less – but they can also shave minutes off your daily beauty routine and save you money too. What’s not to love?

Every Woman Needs A Silk Scrunchie

If you don’t normally give much thought to what you use to tie your hair. Then we’re here to let you know that it’s high time you swapped out your hair elastics for a sumptuous silk scrunchie.

Not only do silk scrunchies look stunning – with an array of colours and designs to choose from – but they also come with plenty of desirable perks for you and your locks.

For one thing, silk scrunchies are much less likely to contribute to knotting, splitting, or breakage, which you may experience when using an elastic hair band. This is because the smoothness and softness of silk prevent tangling or tension on the hair shaft. Silk is also anti-static, so if you have blow-dried your hair and you’re hoping it will stay sleek, straight, and glossily smooth for longer, tie it back with silk, not with regular elastic. When you take the silk scrunchie out again a few hours later. Your hair should still be as smooth and glamorous as it was in the morning, so you won’t need to blow-dry it again the following day.

Your Tresses Will Value Some Vitamin C (hair hacks)

We all know that we should eat plenty of Vitamin C to stay healthy. But did you know that your hair would love to have some too? Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidants when it comes to strengthening your hair follicles and even stimulating growth.

This is because Vitamin C helps your body to synthesise collagen, which features the amino acids required to make keratin, one of the main building blocks of your hair and nails. In addition, Vitamin C can also protect your follicles from oxidative stress – a problem that can cause hair fall – and this nourishing antioxidant helps your body to absorb iron more efficiently.

While Vitamin C is found in a range of foods – from citrus fruits to peppers, tomatoes, and white potatoes. You can also buy supplements to easily boost your body’s supply and strengthen your hair from the inside.

Don’t Touch It!

We all touch our hair regularly throughout the day, often without even realizing that we are doing so. While this may seem like a harmless habit, the truth is that the more ‘hands-on’ we are with our locks, the more unwitting damage we may be doing.

For one thing, touching our hair frequently can make it look and feel greasy and can even leave dirt clinging to the follicles.

This is partly because the natural oils on our fingers get transferred to our tresses. However, it may also be because regularly running our hands through our hair can encourage the scalp to produce more sebum. This, in turn, makes the hair oilier.

Frequent handling of our hair can also cause more serious problems. Such as frizzing, tangling, and even breakage of the hair shaft due to wear and tear. Over time, you may even experience thinning, as your hair becomes weakened and more prone to falling out.

As a result, if you want clean, shining, thick, and lustrous hair, one of the easiest hacks to achieve this is simply to leave it alone!

Enrich Your Locks With Oily Goodness (hair hacks)

If you have never tried hair oil before, perhaps it’s time you gave it a go. Particularly if you want a quick and easy way to provide added nourishment and vigour to your crowning glory.

Intensely conditioning products such as this oil for hair have been expertly hand-blended using an assortment of organic herbs and oils for a naturally nurturing concoction that moisturizes and repairs your locks. Ideal for resolving common problems such as frizz, dryness, and even thinning, hair oils such as this Ayurvedic blend provide the tonic your tresses sorely need.

To apply, simply massage the product into your scalp and then wrap a heated towel around your hair. Leave for half an hour and then wash out. On the other hand, for an even more intense treatment. You can leave the oil on your hair overnight and then wash it off when you wake up in the morning.

Volumize Your Ponytail With The Double Whammy Effect

A ponytail is one of the quickest and easiest hairstyles we all learn and provides an ideal solution for your unruly locks if you’re in a hurry in the mornings.

However, the sad fact is that not all ponytails are created equal. If you are concerned that your ponytail doesn’t look as thick or lustrous as you would like it to. There is a super-simple hair hack that can help you achieve more volume.

To achieve it, all you need to do is create not just one ponytail but two. One directly above the other. You can also add a ponytail extension to enhance the volume.

Start with the one on top by gathering the upper half of your hair and tying it into a ponytail. Then, simply scrape together the remaining hair and tie it into another ponytail right underneath the first. Check your reflection in the mirror. If the two separate ponytails are visible. All you need to do is tug a bit of hair out of the lower pony and wrap it around both ‘tails. So that you are left with what looks like one long thick pony. And voila – instant volume and length, achievable in just moments.

Give Yourself Dog Ears (hair hacks)

If you love loose beachy curls. But you don’t quite have the curling iron skills necessary to achieve this look, there’s no need to worry. You can create effortless waves without having to use any heat at all, using the rather amusing. But very effective – the ‘dog ears’ method.

To do this, simply divide your hair into two halves and pull it forward over your shoulders. Twist the hair on either side. Perhaps by twirling around your finger, and securing both twisted sections with an elastic band.

Next, pull both twisted lengths together under your chin, and tie them with another elastic. Now, all you have to do is sleep like that, and when you wake up in the morning remove the hair ties. You will be left with effortlessly stunning beachy waves – no effort needed and no scorched hair to worry about.

Admittedly, you may look a little ridiculous. So you might not want to try this technique if you have company for the night. But the initial embarrassment is sure to wear off once you see the gorgeous results.

Last But Not Least – An Effortless Hacks To Remove Static

During the cold winter months. The dry air – not to mention our favourite bobble hats – can make our hair more prone to static.

If you’re keen to remove that excess electricity, simply take a dryer sheet (which, by the by, has a range of other life-hack benefits you’re sure to appreciate) and rub it over your hair from top to bottom.

This helpful trick will instantly remove the static from your hair – and, what’s more, your hair will also smell delightful. It’s a win-win situation!


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